Central Preschool

 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me…” Matthew 19: 14

We want church to be a place where your entire family is encouraged to draw closer to Jesus- your kids included! During our Sunday morning gathering. CBC Kids provides an exciting age-appropriate space for kids birth through 5th grade during each of our Sunday services and Wednesday nights. All of our CBC Kids programs are designed to be safe places where children can learn new and exciting things about God while being cared for by adult volunteers.

CBC Kid’s Preschool’s Mission:

Hear our sons and daughters are introduced to their Heavenly Father by leaders who care deeply for them and their parents. Our goal is simple: We exist to partner with families to fuel faith in the next generation. We believe your child’s experience should always be… FUN! We use games, songs, skits and more to bring God’s Word to life for kids. Just like adults, kids have a small group made up of peers and a large group worship environment created just for them. We want their time at church to be their favorite time of the week.


Every week, your child will learn truth from God’s Word through a Bible story, memory verse, and application activity. Each week’s lesson builds upon a foundation of truth found in scripture.


The most important thing we can do is point children toward a personal relationship with the most important figure that ever lived- Jesus Christ. He is the center if all we teach and do.


We believe the best context for maximum impact is the gift of relationships. Therefore, we’re committed to combine the love of family with the light of the church to incite wonder, provoke discovery, and fuel passion in every child.


When you arrive, a friendly volunteer will be ready to help you get your kids checked in. Safety is top priority. We use a state of the art check-in-system, security checkpoints, and all our workers have complete background checks to ensure our kids are protected.

If interested in volunteering or have questions, please contact us at hello@cbcbuna.com.